Usher House
Main Street Dundrum
Dublin 14
Coonan Property
Property House
Main Street Maynooth
Co. Kildare.
Andrew Lohan
Design Space
Link Road Glasthule
All plans are subject to a planning application with Meath County Council. The sites are cleared and are fully serviced with access to gas, electricity, water and foul at each entrance. A full planning pack is available from the sales agent.
These particulars and any accompanying documentation and price lists do not form part of any contract and are for guidance only. Measurements and distances are approximate and drawings, maps and plans are not to scale.  Intending purchasers should satisfy themselves as to the accuracy of details given to them either verbally or as part of this brochure. The developer reserves the right to make alterations to design and finish. Estimated measurements indicated are gross internal area – the distance from block wall to block wall excluding internal finishes. This is the industry norm and variations can occur.